Terms and conditions


The owner, Alfred van Krimpen/Elite Inmobiliaria, either owns, or has the users permission to use all material displayed on this website and are protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights for all text, photographs, images, graphics, and any other material not stated, also including the program and code that operates this website. It is prohibited to download or copy any material from this site, without a pre written agreement from Alfred van Krimpen/Elite Inmobiliaria or used for any reason other than non commercial.

Although every attempt is made to make certain that all specifications relating to properties and information displayed or contained on this site is correct, no responsibility will be accepted for any mistakes or errors. Any information given, concerning descriptions etc is for general use and does not represent in any form a binding recommendation.

Alfred van Krimpen/Elite Inmobiliaria will make every effort to make certain that images displayed on this website are correct and precise as possible; however they cannot ensure for certain that they are completely up to date. All rights are reserved to change material content and prices without any previous warning. Though every effort will be made to guarantee a high standard of protection and security, by monitoring on a regular basis Alfred van Krimpen/Elite Inmobiliaria cannot ensure that this website will remain virus free, or that any third party websites that you might wish to access through us are totally virus free.

Any personally identifiable information may be accessed, to help in police investigations or other legal matters or to guard against any misappropriate or unlawful use of this website.

We strongly advise you to read our separate Privacy Policy before logging on, as to do so you are in agreement with and compliant to the described practices, there stated.

These terms and conditions and the use of this website are overseen and agreed upon by Spanish Law.